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Welcome to the wedding registry for Olivia Adkins & Rauce Padgett!


After not having a vacation for over 3 years, we are hoping to have the honeymoon of a lifetime. We have looked into websites such as Honeyfund, but were disappointed by the fees they take (either from you or from us!). With that being said, we have created a Paypal that goes directly to our joint honeymoon account, which does not charge any fees if you pay with your linked bank account! Just like Honeyfund, we have included what are wishlist items are for the honeymoon so you can conveniently click them to contribute that amount! Please don't forget to add notes to your gift!! 

We understand that some people may like to give actual gifts instead of contributing to the honeymoon fund, so we have created registries at Target and Amazon which you can find below! 

We love you all and appreciate your generosity as we start life together as husband and wife!

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